Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Set Review - Red

Both Jamie and TJ are using a rating scale of 10 for this set. Jamie is basing hers on limited play, while TJ is giving more of a holistic rating. Melvin is just being Melvin.

Other Colors


blazing volley

Jamie: 5/10 fairly powerful effect- can make combat annoying.

TJ: 1/10 I'll be bummed if I have to take this over a basic land for my fifteenth pick

Melvin: The mage suddenly remembered that fire arrows do +4 damage versus porcuparrots.


blisterspit gremlin

Jamie: 1/10 sideboard material.

TJ: 4/10 It's not bad as a form of reach, Might be interesting to mutate onto it to make a large creature that also gets chip shot damage in. But I don't expect it to rock my socks

Melvin: When I saw there was a non-Kaladesh gremlin in this set, I did a spit take.


blitz of the thunder-raptor

Jamie: 4/10 build-around, would need a lot of non-creature spells for this to be a reliable removal spell.

TJ: 5/10 I think these has some decent potential in constructed but in limited it feels hard to enable and even once you do it really only hits smaller things.

Melvin: Is“Thunder-Raptor” also the name of a fighter jet? Because it heckin should be.


cathartic reunion

Jamie: 3/10 so dang cute, and decent late game to cash in unwanted lands for spells.

TJ: 2/10 I don’t generally like these in limited. needing to have two other cards in hand makes it rough in the late game and you rarely need to dig that much in the early game

Melvin: *** cries uncontrollably for fifteen minutes ***


clash of the titans

Jamie: 6/10 if able to make two of opponents creatures take each other out, this is great. Won't always be able to do that, but the ceiling is high.

TJ: 7/10 it's super expensive. But it's also very good. remember that lots of creatures hace deathtouch. and it's an instant so you can make your move after combat

Melvin: Shouldn’t this card have been in Theros somewhere?



Jamie: 5/10 fine enough stats, being able to rummage a decent effect but not something I'm looking to prioritize.

TJ: 6/10 effectively costed loot trigger to have value later in the game. can also be a huge upgrade to a non-human for four mana.

Melvin: This card is the cumulus of everything I want in a dinosaur.


drannith stinger

Jamie: 3/10 bear with upside and cycling seems fine. Not sure if there is enough cycling to make this a true payoff. seems too slow.

TJ: 5/10 I like this. Adding pressure to your opponent while digging through the deck seems good. Plus cycling for a single mana is nothing to scoff at

Melvin: This lady only shows up after the credits.


everquill phoenix

Jamie: 8/10 flyer with ability to be able to recur is solid.

TJ: 7/10 It's a 4/4 for four. Definitely rewards you more if you use it's mutate ability. Not doing so leaves it open to removal. Even getting one trigger off of this is a pretty large value.

Melvin: There’s a couple triggers here, so pay attention to the order of the phoenix’s stuff. I’m Sirius.


ferocious tigorilla

Jamie: 4/10 fine stats, not exciting.

TJ: 5/10 solid rate but not the best of this cycle. most of the others allowed for different game states but this card isn't great in a whole lot of game states. really just when you are applying pressure

Melvin: More like a Purrilla.


fire prophecy

Jamie: 7/10 3 damage for 2 is great removal plus the ability to cash in an unneeded/unwanted card in hand seems great.

TJ: 8/10 I like this card a lot. It's already an efficient rate for a burn spell plus the fact that it can loot is a lot of value for a common removal card

Melvin: Eye drops must be hard to find on Ikoria.


flame spill

Jamie: 8/10 cheap removal is always great! plus overage to face, I dig it

TJ: 8/10 normally spending three mana on a removal spell for a small creature is a feel-bad but being able to through excess damage to the opponent is a neat way to make it feel better. hit a 1/1 to dome your opponent for three.

Melvin: Now now, there’s no crying over spilled flame. Lots of running and screaming though.


footfall crater

Jamie: 8/10 being able to grant haste and trample to a big monster is super appealing. the price is right on this one!

TJ: 8/10 This is very good. Haste is an incredible way to gain traction when you are developing your board. and granting trample can make combat math a nightmare for your opponent. plus cycling to make this card always relevant is so fantastic.

Melvin: Ugg, a land enchantment. They always shoehorn one of these in each set. I would have expected maybe some wellies instead of a crater though. It just doesn’t track.


forbidden friendship

Jamie: 3/10 seems like filler unless a dedicated weenie go wide strategy.

TJ: 6/10 I think this is better than I first though. making two creatures for two mana is nice. But having a haste non-human to mutate onto seems really valuable for being able to attack with the larger mutate creatures immediately.

Melvin: Is this the sequel to The Littlest Dinosaur?


frenzied raptor

Jamie: 3/10 filler

TJ: 4/10 it's nothing special. But fills out a curve if needed

Melvin: Because the regular ones aren’t frenzied?


frillscare mentor

Jamie: 7/10 granting menace to a big dumb monster is valuable.

TJ: 7/10 menace is very good on big creatures. Pus a 3/2 for three is solid

Melvin: She has a license to frill.


go for blood

Jamie: 7/10 decent cheap removal if you have big creatures.

TJ: 7/10 removal is always good.

Melvin: I go for milkshakes.


heightened reflexes

Jamie: 6/10 first strike in combat for a cheap cost seems decent.

TJ: 5/10 tricks don't thrill me. But first strike is a fun way the thrill and amaze

Melvin: It tried to grab the pebble from my hand, and took off most of my arm.


lava serpent

Jamie: 5/10 this will be something to look out for late game. 5/5 out of nowhere is nothing to sneeze at.

TJ: 6/10 That's a lotta damage

Melvin: Who doesn’t lava hasty 5/5 in their red decks?


lukka, coppercoat outcast

Jamie: 9/10 find creatures, upgrade creatures, + creature power burn face. This is powerful, and the ultimate isn't too hard to reach. This is a stone cold bomb.

TJ: 9/10 Jamie's comments, But here too

Melvin: It’ll take some lukka to open this one in draft.


momentum rumbler

Jamie: 8/10 first strike into double strike... awesome mutate target. Get ready to rumble.

TJ: 8/10 This seems like it will get out of hand real fast. Love the design that makes you use it offensively. Why are all of my favorite dinosaurs not from the dinosaur set?

Melvin: The best offense is more offense.


mythos of vadrok

Jamie: 9/10 hits creatures or planeswalkers and can be divided. This will be brutal after combat. Casting for 3 colors is nice upside, but not necessary. Strong removal. Will be a p1p1 most times.

TJ: 9/10 spread the damage, focus the damage. if you have the three colors it gets even wilder. use it to alpha strike and they can't even swing back.

Melvin: I don’t know a goodrok from a vadrok.



Jamie: 6/10 having to tap to do damage is a bit restrictive. Seems powerful enough, but unsure if will be able to build up enough before opponent.

TJ: 4/10 it's alright. I see this as more of a three mana 3/4 than the activated ability. which is more of bonus for board stalls

Melvin: Polly hurts everyone he loves!


prickly marmoset

Jamie: 8/10 the threat of activation is real. And you can cycle multiple times to make this huge! This cutie is fierce.

TJ: 6/10 I'm less hyped on this than Jamie but I hope to be surprised. It's rated really nicely and the first strike is good but I think its bark will almost always be tougher than its bite.

Melvin: Touch it! Touch the monkey! His name is Sprockets.



Jamie: 7/10 nice build around for a spells matters deck. Trample makes this extra appealing.

TJ: 7/10 I wanted to give this a 6 but its name is Pyroceratops

Melvin: If you liked Firannosaurus Rex, you’ll love Pyroceratops!


raking claws

Jamie: 6/10 being able to grant double strike to a big creature is scary. This might win games out of nowhere on an unblocked fattie.

TJ: 7/10 instant speed double strike is a heck of a trick. CYCLING

Melvin: Does as good a job on soldiers as it does on fall leaf cleanups.


reptilian reflection

Jamie: 7/10 great payoff for a cycle deck! Nice value for a cheap cost.

TJ: 4/10 these always seem underwhelming to me. forces you to cycle in the first main phase if you want to apply pressure. and a complete dead draw if you don't have a card with cycling.

Melvin: If that’s what you see in the mirror, consider upping your skin regiment.


rooting moloch

Jamie: 6/10 being able to rebuy cycling cards is powerful. If there is a blink effect, this could be nasty.

TJ: 7/10 This seems likean excellent card for the deck. So much cycling in this format makes this a functional regrowth stapled to a creature in Red. cycle a big creature early then bring it back late.

Melvin: I’m rooting for this one to be good in limited.


rumbling rockslide

Jamie: 9/10 removal that scales up with the game is fantastic. This is spashable too. Will look to grab these early in a draft.

TJ: 9/10 removal that scales with the game. plays you lands each turn and you can kill almost anything.

Melvin: I’m sad that TGIF doesn’t have Rumbling Rockslides on their drink menu anymore. I love Kahlua!


sanctuary smasher

Jamie: 7/10 stats are solid on the creature, but the real magic is being able to grant a creature first strike in combat by cycling.

TJ: 7/10 a 6/4 with first strike is really solid. another fine addition to this "cycle"

Melvin: The phrase “bull in a china shop” is actually a translation from the older saying “rhino beast in a crystal sanctuary”. Really tightened it up IMHO.


shredded sails

Jamie: 4/10 mostly a sideboard card, but with cycling not losing much by playing main deck.

TJ: 5/10 neither effect is very good reliably. But having three things to do with the card makes it alright.

Melvin: Those sails are almost as shredded as my abs.


spelleater wolverine

Jamie: 5/10 moderate payoff for a spells matter deck. Threat of activation is real though, especially when sitting with 2 instants and sorceries and going into combat. This will get people!

TJ: 5/10 I don't know how often this will have double strike. But if you can enable it this card will go the distance.

Melvin: It'll only come out at nights, the lean and hungry type. Nothing is new
I've seen it here before. Watching and waiting, Ooh, it’s sittin' with you, but its eyes are on the door.


tentative connection

Jamie: 4/10 with 8/10 in a heavy menace deck. Being able to cast this for 1 mana is so appealing.

TJ: 5/10 act of treason is always a bit iffy. But if you can cast this for a single mana you'll be happy. If you have any sac outlets in your deck value this higher

Melvin: It looks like the tiger is biting his arm off.


unpredictable cyclone

Jamie: 4/10 in a cycle heavy deck this seems powerful but 5 mana is a hefty price to pay to enable the payoff.

TJ: 10/10 Does this deserve a 10? Absolute not. But the 6 got exiled and I got to rate it a 10 without a cost. This card will always be exciting so I want it.

Melvin: Back in my day we had predictable cyclones! And hard line phones! And newspapers that came to our house but were immediately tossed into the trash. Kids these days with their unpredictable cyclones, just ain’t normal.


weaponize the monsters

Jamie: 7/10 seems like a powerful tool in the human weenie deck. Can use this to jam in the final damage.

TJ: 7/10 The card itself is really low costed, but activating it it quite expensive. Being able to recycle creatures into reach or removal is good. and this can make for an explosive ending to a game.

Melvin: I’ve weaponized pies before. I imagine monsters work better.


yidaro, the wandering monster

Jamie: 7/10 cycle it early, shuffle it back in, maybe get to cast for free at some point while drawing more cards and enabling cycling payoffs. Plus it's a cutie.

TJ: 8/10 This card is hilarious. a seven mana 8/8 with trample and haste is already a sledge hammer. But giving it cycling for the early game that could potentially make it only 2 mana to play? Absolutely beautiful.

Melvin: I played against this and tried to trample past it, but it just went into its shell, flew away from me until it hit this brick down the path, then shot right back at me. On the plus side if you jump on it eight times in a row you gain a life.