Kaldheim Set Review - Gold and Colorless

Jamie will be rating the cards on a scale of 1 to 10 for limited play. Melvin is just being Melvin.

Other Colors


Aegar, the Freezing Flame

Jamie: 7/10 giant tribal payoff... stomp is going to draw cards!

Melvin: What a giant! He’s icy first to dull the pain, then hot to relax it away.


arni slays the troll

Jamie: 7/10 fight plus counters plus lifegain for 2 mana is a steal

Melvin: Probably slayed’em with a good quote tweet.


ascent of the worthy

Jamie: 6/10 the first 2 parts are a little weird... but being able to return a creature with a flying counter on it is enticing

Melvin: Only the worthy shall find the last Wonka golden chocolate egg.


battle for bretagard

Jamie: 6/10 at the minimum its 4 power and toughness for 3 mana... in a heavy tokens deck this could be AMAZING.

Melvin: The battle raged for days and days, and yet neither side could eliminate the other side with the remaining dodge balls.


battle of frost and fire

Jamie: 6/10 giants payoff, with the scry three will most likely get value off the 3rd mode.

Melvin: Wow, the last chapter really kind of sucks. I suppose that’s appropriate.


the bears of littjara

Jamie: 7/10 great value for 3 mana

Melvin: They came for our honey pots, they came for our picnic baskets, and they came for our porridge.


binding the old gods

Jamie: 7/10 kill something, grab a land, and be able to swing with your team on the 3rd mode--- that's good value.

Melvin: Sounds like the old gods need some Metamucil.


the bloodsky masssacre

Jamie: 7/10 this makes me want to draft berserker tribal.. swinging with 2-4 berserkers on the second mode seems attainable.

Melvin: The last thing I massacred was a large pizza, 24 wings, and an order of crazy bread.


fall of the imposter

Jamie: 7/10 removal plus 2 counters for 3 mana is such good value!

Melvin: [Insert political joke]


firja, judge of valor

Jamie: 8/10 lifegain + flying is already quite solid... being able to draw cards with 2nd spell each turn is absurd. This card will win the game if unchecked.

Melvin: Wings: check. Stupid horn: check. I judge this creature to be an angel.


firja’s retribution

Jamie: 9/10 a big ass flyer + big flyer kills something, plus big ass flyer gets double strike. this is a BOMB

Melvin: When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building? Somewhere they're meeting on a pinhead, calling you an angel, calling you the nicest things.


forging the sword

Jamie: 4/10 unless you have Halvar or a really good equipement spell, this isn't worth playing.

Melvin: Wait, is that a euphemism?


harald, king of skemfar

Jamie: 6/10 need to draft a lot of elves for this to be very good, but a 3/2 menace for 3 is pretty alright.

Melvin: Is the person who announces the King of Skemfar a Harald herald?


herald unites the elves

Jamie: 6/10 if you have a lot of elves, this is so dang good. Otherwise not so much.

Melvin: “Tiny hats and pointed shoes for all!”


immerstrum predator

Jamie: 7/10 an evasive threat that can protect itself and get bigger.

Melvin: It’s really hard to tell the vampire dragons from the regular dragons, because really they’re all just fangs galore.


invasion of the giants

Jamie: 8/10 powerful card in giants and extremely cost effective

Melvin: A giant invasion sounds like big trouble! I’ll leave now….


kardur, doomscourge

Jamie: 6/10 makes opponents creatures attack which can be great if they are smaller than your creatures... otherwise this is a bit risky.

Melvin: The bigger they are, the kardur they fall.


kardur’s vicious return

Jamie: 5/10 if you have little doobers that you want to sac this can be great. Getting a creature back with haste and a counter is pretty strong as well.

Melvin: Some demons are kardur to kill than others, apparently.


kaya the inexorable

Jamie: 10/10 bomb all the modes are busted. And she's 5 mana so can even splash.

Melvin: She’s staring daggers at someone.


king narfi’s betrayal

Jamie: 7/10 this paired with a lot of removal... kill your opponent's bomb and then play this afterward to resurrect is busted

Melvin: Anyone remember Snarf from Thundercats? I want to make that joke here, because that’s all I hear when I see this name. I hope you can share in my pain.


koll, the forgemaster

Jamie: 6/10 the first part...returning an equipped creature to hand when it dies is annoying! Not sure the second party will be super relevant, not too many token makers

Melvin: I love getting Koll’s stuff because he has those great Koll’s Cash rewards.


koma, comsos serpent

Jamie: 10/10 bomb bomb bomb. If your opponent doesn't deal with this right away, they die.

Melvin: How many cosmos can a serpent drink, anyway?


maja, bretagard protector

Jamie: 8/10 team pump plus token maker is fantastic... a little fragile but worth it

Melvin: I love it when they print cards that have mechanics from previous sets but they just choose not to use the name. Seriously, this is just landfall. It was in the LAST SET. But no, forget about that. Our collective ADHD has beaten us once again.


moritte of the frost

Jamie: 7/10 need good creatures for this to be a better version of the good creatures, and can't copy legendary unless you feel like sacrificing one of them

Melvin: The moritte snows, the less I want to go outside.


narfi, betrayer king

Jamie: 7/10 powerful build around for zombie tribal

Melvin: Look out, thunder-vikings! Narf Narf!


niko aris

Jamie: 8/10 all the abilities are powerful

Melvin: Niko wavers on how good they are depending on the speed of the format.


niko defies destiny

Jamie: 4/10 if heavy foretell this seems fine, but not exciting

Melvin: Niko’s saga defies playability.


the raven’s warning

Jamie: 6/10 bird looking at opponents hand and drawing a card is nice.

Melvin: The warning is that this card suckssssssssssssss….


sarulf, realm eater

Jamie: 6/10 if have ways to put counters on this, could really hose your opponents game plan

Melvin: Sarulf has come a long way from playing piano with the Muppets.


showdown of the skalds

Jamie: 6/10 I'm thinking about possibly whiffing on the 1st mode... but most likely will be able to pick the best spell from 4 cards which is solid.

Melvin: My skalds are mostly from touching the inside of the oven with my forearms.


svella, ice shaper

Jamie: 5/10 mana sink but the ability is SO expensive

Melvin: What a svella card!


The three seasons

Jamie: 5/10 heavy snow returning best snow permanents is appealing for the mana cost. This isn't a high impact card though.

Melvin: Winter got cancelled. Don’t ask, it knows what it did.


the trickster-god’s heist

Jamie: 7/10 trading opponents biggest threat for a little doober is satisfying

Melvin: I really hope he assembled a crew of rag-tag outlaws to steal whatever and it’s only revealed how it’s done in the last chapter. And maybe George Clooney’s in it.


Vega, the watcher

Jamie: 7/10 heavy foretell decks will love this!

Melvin: An eye for every lick it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop.


waking the trolls

Jamie: 7/10 can get out of control if you are able to cheat in extra lands.

Melvin: Trolls never get woke. That’s why they’re trolls.


bloodline pretender

Jamie: 5/10 need to have a lot of the same creature type for this to really pay off. paying 3 mana for a 2/2 is NOT exciting, and I wouldn't be looking to draft this highly

Melvin: A pretender with a cape on shoulders and brass in pocket.


colossal plow

Jamie: 4/10 with ox this is almost good. crew 6 is a LOT

Melvin: Oh, you want the Colossal Plow who plows driveways. This is Tony Plow, you know, from Leave It To Beaver.


cosmos elixer

Jamie: 4/10 if heavy lifegain maybe this would be cool, but it's a 4 mana do almost nothing otherwise

Melvin: Too much cranberry for my tastes.


funeral longboat

Jamie: 5/10 seems like fine filler.. crew 1 is not tough.

Melvin: Do we really need to shill out for the all pine, gold-inlaid long boat with mother of pearl trim? It’s just going to be set on fire and go over that waterfall.


goldvein pick

Jamie: 5/10 cheap equipment with cheap equipment cost and can fix mana.

Melvin: You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t stab your friend in the thigh with a pickaxe because you thought it would be funny.


maskwood nexus

Jamie: 5/10 i think this is generally too slow.. paying 3 mana for a 2/2 is not great... this would be cool with bloodlline pretender, or in a deck that cares about tribal stuff

Melvin: Maskwood? Just put a book in front of it.


pyre of heroes

Jamie: 3/10 this is asking a lot for little gain

Melvin: “Hey! Something smells delicious….oh, crap, that’s today?”


raider’s karve

Jamie: 5/10 4/4 attacks through a lot and getting lands off the top of the deck is helpful

Melvin: You can also play the fun Viking survival game “Don’t Karve Together”.


raven wings

Jamie: 5/10 there are fewer flyers, so less ways to deal with them in this set. build your own flyers isn't too bad... and this is priced right.

Melvin: I’ll take 24 wings please - 12 spicy garlic, 12 Asian zing. If you read this joke earlier, it’s because this is a cawback.


replicating ring

Jamie: 5/10 ramp is fine.. but honestly probably won't be able to use all the mana

Melvin: For those who need to buy wedding rings in nine packs.


runed crown

Jamie: 4/10 the runes are kinda just ok... I don't think this is worth drafting unless you have like 3-4 runes.

Melvin: Runed? Looks fine to me.


scorn effigy

Jamie: 5/10 a 2/3 for 2! Just have to be a bit patient.

Melvin: Obligatory scarecrow for TJ.


weathered runestone

Jamie: 2/10 constructed card

Melvin: I’m surprised it’s weathered, because no one has ever or will ever play this card.